Sunday, August 31, 2008

Coming Soon....

All summer we have been kicking around the idea of getting a swimming pool. I'll spare you all the boring details of the dilemma we had in making this decision but FINALLY just in time for fall...we are getting a pool!

They are supposed to start digging next week and in order to get ready for the dig, the trees in our back yard had to go. Back in May, Bob got a
chainsaw. I honestly never thought he would need to use it (otherwise I certainly wouldn't have bought it for him)! Today he got out his chainsaw and went to town cutting down the two trees. They weren't huge trees but one was big enough that it could have fallen on our house and done some damage. While I was concerned for our house, my obvious worry was my husband playing around in the backyard with a chainsaw.

Fortunately all went well and he successfully removed both trees without doing any damage to the house or himself. He did bang up his hands a little and needed to wear gloves to finish the job. The only gloves he could find were my purple garden gloves which he insisted on removing before he would let me take any pictures. Apparently it isn't very "manly" to be chainsawing in purple gloves..who knew? However being the skilled photographer that I am I got just one that I had to share:)) are so funny and you make me laugh by being so silly!! I just wanted to share some of the humor with others. I'm glad you got to use your chainsaw and don't be mad that I posted this picture:)


amber said...

oooooooohhhh!!!!! YEA!!!!! You guys are going to LOVE it!

Lindsay said...

I am so jealous! CAN I COME OVER???!!!
Love the last pic of your hubs!

Kristi said...

ooh, fun!