Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Play-Doh Fun!

Now that it seems swimming season is over (boo-hoo) Reese and I have been looking for some other ways to fill our time at home! Today we played Play-doh for the first time! Little Miss Reese has in the past eaten both crayons and chalk like candy so I was surprised and thrilled that she didn't once try to eat the play-doh!

We started with just a few colors and tools and ended up with EVERYTHING out...this girl was serious about her projects:)!

Here's a look at some of the things we made...

I couldn't resist these chubby wubby hands..she was working so hard and with such precision:)! I love this kiddo!!

Reese and I spent nearly every day this summer swimming. As it has been either cool or rainy lately I am wondering what do we do with ourselves?? Afternoons are the hardest! What do y'all do for indoor toddler entertainment?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

ELMO is in the house.....

On Saturday Elmo came to visit at Mygym! Reese LOVES her some "Momo" so of course we had to go see him!

The entire rest of the world also wanted to see Elmo so it was a little hectic but we still had fun. Elmo did some circle time activities

and we did some dancing.

Then we got in a LONG line to see "Momo" up close! I was praying that after we waited in that line she would actually sit in his lap and she did! She walked right up to him and sat down. She would have liked to spend a lot more time with him too.

Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of Mother's Day Out

Yesterday was Reese's first day at MDO. We were all a little nervous but she did great!

(that little scratch on her face is from her jumping out of the bed!)

We were supposed to make a scrapbook type page to send with her. Something for the teacher to look at with her if she is upset. Here is what we sent..

Y'all know that I'm not so good at pictures and the sign was distracting to her so this is all I got...sad I know:( I told Bob next year he needs to help me with pictures before he leaves for work.

When we went back to pick her up they said she only cried for about 10 seconds after I left before going off to play. She especially loved playing in the sandbox. She ate her entire lunch I packed for her and she even took a nap on her nap mat! I was surprised!! Yay Reese!!

Her teachers Ms Jenny and Ms Carol are so sweet! They said "we quickly realized that the girl has some climbing skills!" Yep I forgot to warn them! Oops!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monday-Labor Day!

After getting home late on Sunday night we were all pretty lazy on Monday. We had plans to go to a cookout with some friends around noon and we were supposed to bring a dessert. Reese and I made cupcakes and yes we are still in our jammies:)

Reese was very interested in "helping" me. She was actually really good and mostly just watched. I'm pretty sure this was her favorite part. Daddy was pretty bummed when he realized he will probably never get to lick the beaters again.

Our friends who were having the cookout just got a new pool by the same guy that built our pool so we were excited to go see it. I had a feeling that Reese would want to swim so I planned for Bob to swim with her. I didn't take the camera so there are no pictures but they have a huge pool. It has a 7 foot tall grotto that all the kids were jumping off of. I never in a million years thought that Reese would want to jump from WAY up there but in a matter of seconds she had climbed up to the top. Bob was in the pool with her and was looking for me to go and get her down. We really thought she would be too scared to jump! Before I could even get near her she had jumped in the pool and begging to do it again...crazy child! Ha!

We swam for awhile, had lunch and then headed home for Reese to take a late nap. No surprise after doing the high jump earlier into the pool that after her nap she high jumped out of the crib! We were again SHOCKED to find her waiting at the top of the stairs for us! Here she is hanging out with Daddy as we were taking her crib!

This child is absolutely fearless!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Fun!

Bob's cousin Sarah got married this past weekend and we made the trek to Springfield to celebrate with her and Jordan. Given that Reese has not been a very happy road tripper in the past we decided to break up the 7 hour trip. We left on Thursday afternoon and headed to Tulsa to spend the night. Bob went to law school at the University of Tulsa so our plan was to take Reese to walk around and visit the campus but traffic was bad and it took us forever to get there so we skipped that. We had dinner and then it was nearly Reese's bedtime so we just did some roaming around at the hotel. We stayed at the all new Hard Rock Hotel in Tulsa which was really a neat place even though it wasn't very kid friendly.

Don't worry no need to call DHS..we literally just sat Reese here to snap this picture. Seriously we spent a total of 10 seconds in the casino.

Since we were all staying in one room we all had to get ready for bed. Reese had a hard time going to sleep so she played laptops with Daddy. I couldn't resist..

On Friday morning we were just a few hours from Springfield so it was an easy drive. When we got to town we went to the Bass Pro to eat lunch and play. It was a really cool place and Reese had a blast!

On Saturday afternoon we went to the wedding. About two seconds after the beautiful bride walked down the aisle Reese started talking so she and I had to go out. I'm sure it was a beautiful wedding at least I got to see everyone walk down the aisle:)! The reception was Saturday evening and we couldn't keep Reese off the dance floor! She was so funny..

She danced with the Bride...

She danced with Daddy...

She danced with Mimi..

and she danced with her cousin Nick.

When she wasn't dancing she was running into the photo booth. This first picture she got in there and she wasn't tall enough:)

We had a fun weekend with all the family. Reese and I got to meet some of Bob's family that we had never met before so that was nice too! Best Wishes Sarah and Jordan!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pinkalicious Cupcake!!

One of Reese's favorite books right now is Pinkalicious. Actually she likes Goldilicious the best but either way we have read them both a BAZILLION times! Sheesh! I love to read so I am thrilled that she LOVES her books so much but I could use a little variety:)! This afternoon I read Pinkalicious to her and then she spent the rest of the day asking for a "pink cuppy" (pink cupcake)! It was hilarious she just wouldn't stop. Other then her 1st birthday when she only had a few bites of icing I don't think she has ever even had a cupcake. Given that we are leaving town tomorrow and Daddy and I are watching our waistlines I wasn't about to make up a bunch of pink cupcakes so Daddy came to the rescue!

I promised Reese if she was good that Daddy would bring her a "pink cuppy". She was thrilled and decided she needed her "tutu on" while we waited for him. We were playing upstairs and the camera was downstairs so I took this pic with my phone. I told her to pose and this is what she did!

Then we went downstairs to wait for Daddy and she about knocked him over when he came in the door. Daddy stopped by The Cupcakery and they looked so YUMMY! She had quite a bit of fun just looking at them because she couldn't get the package open and I was cooking dinner.

Finally the moment arrived...

Reese was SO thrilled with her "pink cuppy" and even more thrilled with Daddy! This picture cracks me up..she just couldn't dare take her eyes off the cupcake to look at me! Ha!

Reese you are very lucky to have such a good Daddy. We love you so much...Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meet the Teacher!

Reese is starting Mother's Day Out next week. On Thursday night we went to her orientation and to meet her teacher. As I started writing this I realized that I didn't take any pictures. Good thing it's not real school! I've mentioned before I'm not a good photographer and half the time I don't even think to take a picture. Sigh!

Meet the Teacher was from 7-8pm which personally I thought was a little late considering these kiddos are all 2-ish and ours goes to bed at 7:30. Because of that I got Reese bathed before we went and I picked out a cute dress for her to wear. We were getting ready and waiting for Bob to get home. He was later then usual because he had gone to a meeting in downtown Dallas. Apparently you can't go to a meeting in Dallas without stopping at American Girl on the way home! Have I mentioned how SPOILED this child is by her Daddy:)! So Bob comes home with a matching T-shirt for Reese and Dolly. Guess what happened to that cute dress I picked out? But I did take a crummy picture of them on my phone...

Off we went to the meeting with Dolly. The first 30 minutes the kids stayed in the nursery while the parents went to the meeting. Reese went right in and did great. Then we picked her up and she didn't want to I thought that was a good sign. When we went to visit with her teacher she was pretty shy. All she would say was "no" which bugs me because she talks SO much but never when I want her too. (I'm pretty sure Dr Nail thinks I am a lier because she has never so much as uttered a word in his office)! Mrs Jenny, her teacher was asking her some questions and she answered everything with "no". Then Mrs Jenny said, "Is no all you can say?" Reese said "yes maam!" HA!