Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Princess Recital!

Reese has been taking ballet at her school since January. She absolutely loves it and Wednesday which is ballet day is her FAVORITE day of the week. Since she is at school for ballet the dance recital was going to be the first time to see her in action. Reese had a tummy bug all week and we spent two days doing this...

and this...

Poor baby just did not feel good and I was starting to really worry if she would even be able to go to the recital. Fortunately by Friday she started to bounce back and was able to go to the recital on Saturday morning.

I don't really think she had any concept of what a recital even was but she was most excited because her teacher said they should wear makeup:)

Very thrilled with the makeup....

Y'all know I am NOT a good photographer so we snapped a few pics before the show and I thought I would rely on the professionals to take the actual performing pics:)

Nanny and Poppy with the tiny dancer!

My favorite pic of all...

Reese did great. She knew all the words to the songs and most of the moves. She wasn't shy at all! We are so proud of you sweet Reese!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Reese and I made a trip to Oklahoma this year to spend Mother's Day with my momma. It was a quick trip and I didn't even think to take my camera but I snapped some pics with my phone.

Reese and Nanny planted some flowers. Reese loves gardening..aka "digging" so this was right up her alley.

After playing outside nearly all day we topped it off with a trip to Braum's. Yummy

Happy Mother's Day to all my sweet mommy friends:)