Thursday, October 30, 2008

Off She Goes!

Yesterday while we were playing with Reese, she was "cruising" around the furniture when she just let go and took a few steps by herself. Bob and I were so excited so we kept trying to encourage her to walk more. Each time she takes a few steps, gets REALLY excited and then falls. Sooooo cute and fun to watch:)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

7 Mile Sunday

We are about halfway through our race training and still going strong. Bob, my brother and myself are all training for the White Rock Half Marathon in December. My brother has been doing triathlons and adventure races the last several weekends and is planning to just stop by and run this "short trot" with us..classic oldest child over-achiever:) Bob is following the same training schedule that I am except he runs farther and longer then required on most days...again oldest child!! I on the other hand have been running exactly what the schedule says and not a step farther:)) Today I did 7 miles and it was much harder then the 6 miles I did last week..odd!
Anyway just an update..we are still running!

The New Baby!!

A lot of work has been done on the pool in the last week. In the last month it seems like a hurricane has blown through our backyard but the mess is finally starting to resemble a swimming pool. The concrete truck came on Friday to poor the decking...this was by far the loudest and messiest of all the days so far.

Nike has already started enjoying the pool!! He loves to swim so I'm sure he will be one of the first in the water. Everything is supposed to be finished just in time for Reese's Birthday in two weeks so we are getting really excited!


We spent yet another weekend running around like crazy people and had lots of fun doing it(most of the time:)! Yesterday morning we went to have family pictures taken and it was NOT FUN! Reese was all over the place, we were outside and she was eating rocks and dirt and being overall uncooperative. So our one hour sitting lasted about 20 minutes and I am just praying the photographer got at least one decent shot. Cross your fingers!! Maybe he can "touch up" the photos to remove the rocks from her mouth and hands:))

After our pictures we headed over to the Strollerfit Fall Festival. It was a lot of fun and Reese enjoyed crawling all over the park in her brand new outfit that I bought for the pictures..obviuosly poor planning on my part..bad Mommy! No pictures from the event..again poor planning by me = no camera:(

On Saturday night Bob and I left Reese with a babysitter and went out to dinner and then to our neighbors Octoberfest party. This was the first time we had left Reese at night with someone other then my mom so I was a little nervous at first. Thankfully we were able to put her to bed before we left and the sitter just hung out and watched movies all night...tough job for her huh!

Today we went to our neighborhood's Fall Festival. They had tons of pumpkins, food, music and horse drawn hayrides. Reese enjoyed playing in the pumpkins and then we played on the playground for awhile.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Daddy and Daughter

This past weekend Bob's Aunt came to town for a quick visit. She kept us hopping with shopping, eating, etc..
She had never been to an American Girl Store so she wanted to go check it out. Since we were there I decided to shop a little for Reese's upcoming birthday and Christmas. While I was shopping Bob was entertaining Reese. Seriously sometimes I wander which one of them is the biggest kid:)

Daddy can I have this? Please:)

Later we went to eat dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Reese has figured out that if she sits by Daddy he will give her things that I wouldn't let her eat. You know like cookies and ice cream...all the good stuff:)

How could I resist this cute little pair. They are two peas in a pod and such a mess! I am blessed to have a wonderful, cute little family.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Yesterday my parents came to town to babysit so Bob and I could go to the game. Just in case you aren't familiar with the history this game it is a BIG deal. For the last 80 some odd years this game has been held in Dallas and part of the excitement for the Sooners is coming to the big city, the fair, the game,the corny dogs, etc..

Let's rewind 10 years There is sort of an "unwritten rule" there is no class the week of OU/Texas. On Thursday before the game 14 or so girlfriends who pile into one car and drive to Big D for the weekend. When we got here all 14 of us would get ONE hotel room because we had to make sure we had enough money leftover for "soda" ya know. Sooo this year being a mother now I am thinking to myself...."What about this sounds like a good idea?" ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! My poor mother:)

Assuming that Reese will go to OU we came up with a suitable plan for her to enjoy the event. Since my parents live in Oklahoma they will escort her and her 14 girlfriends to Dallas where they will just stay with us. Then Bob can take them to the game and make sure there is no stops for "soda" along the way! Hmm...I wander how Reese will feel about this??

Despite the fact that my Sooners lost this year Bob and I still had a great time. We enjoyed our baby-free day and some corny dogs too:) I didn't take my camera but one of Bob's buddies took some pictures so I will post them when he sends them to me.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Thanks Missy for topic Flashback Friday:)

Reese and I...YIKES!!!
Oct 2007

Reese and I
Oct 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Diggers and Scoops"....

as my nephew Andrew would call it, a big tractor came out to finally dig the pool today. Bob stayed home this morning to "supervise" the project since I was teaching at Strollerfit. He took a few pictures before we left.

This afternoon Reese and I enjoyed watching all the action..she was very entertained and was even banging on the windows and hollering at the guys outside.

As I watched these guys work all day I thanked God(and my parents)for my college education so that I don't have to do manual labor. These guys worked HARD and all day long. In fact they just finished up in the dark...

Bob is outside filling it up so we can start swimming tomorrow....

JUST KIDDING!! In reality it is scheduled to be finished in 4 weeks..hopefully in time for Reese's birthday..Yippee!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

11 months old!

Today little Reese became another month closer to her birthday. I am just not ready for her to turn one so I told her we will just pause for awhile at 11 months:)) She is so sweet and funny and growing way too fast.

So much for the month signs...Bob and I both were involved in trying to distract her from the sign but as usual she wrestled to get it and then wanted to eat it..yummy!

This is one of her favorite activities these days. She gets going really fast and then crashes into the wall or furniture and hollers for us to re-direct her. She's a mess but sooo cute!

Despite all the drool on her shirt she still has no teeth! She says Daddy, Mamamamama, Lady, and Hi and I think her newest word is No No..but it sounds more like NanNan so I like to think she is saying Nannie (my mom)..ha!

Little Reese has changed our lives in so many ways. She is truly a blessing from God. We love you Reesey P!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Funny Friday!

I suppose with Reese and I both being under the weather, nothing that funny happened this week. But I think this is funny.......

Reesey P is walking all over the house on her little walker and I just couldn't resist that cute little ruffled hiney:)))

4th Annual ‘Blessing of the Animals’ October 5th

That's my very own Nike as he got blessed by Father Clay last year. Considering that after the birth of Reese, he went from being my very special "only child" to now being "just a DOG" I'd say this special blessing did him some good! He survived another year and since he is getting pretty old we will for sure take him out this Sunday for another blessing. This event is fun for pets and kids so if anyone is interested in bringing out your furry friends holler at me:)

Pets are important members of our families and enrich our daily lives. Please make plans to join us on Sunday, October 5th from 2:00 � 3:00 p.m., along with your animal companions for a special blessing as we celebrate the ‘Blessing of the Animals’. There will be fun for people and pets alike as we celebrate the bond we have with our beloved animals, including souvenir pet photos, bandanas and pet treats. All members of the community are welcome; there is no charge for the event. Any household pet may be blessed; please bring them on a leash, or in a pet carrier or cage for their protection. For more information, call 214-387-4700.