Friday, August 21, 2009


Reese has been going to MyGym since January and I FINALLY took some pictures. I kept thinking that Daddy would go with us some time and take pictures because 1.) I'm not a very good photographer and 2.)keeping up with Reese during class is a task all in itself! He has taken her to a Saturday class but we have just never both been able to go at the same time so I apologize for the not so great pictures. I took them while chasing Reese and she was constantly MOVING!

It wouldn't be a party without a ball pit...

and a Bumble-bee swing!

Each class starts with circle time where we warm up our muscles, sing some fun songs and dance a little. After that the kids have lots of free play time mixed in with some gymnastics time where the teachers assist each child with different moves.

When we first started Reese was loving the free play but a little timid about working with the teachers. However it didn't take her long at all to warm up to these super sweet girls and now she is doing great! I am really proud of her!

Here she is working with Miss Rachel. She can do this better then I can..seriously try it the next time your at the playground! It's HARD!

and walking the bars with Miss Addy who Reese always calls Abby..oops!

Reese has absolutely no fear and will climb up and jump off of just about everything there. She has gotten really strong and can hang from the bars for a long time. She likes to hang, fall and repeat over and over. I think we are both getting a good arm workout because I have to continuously lift her back up to the bar..bring on the Michelle Obama arms:)!

Another favorite thing about MyGym is Reese's little friend Landry. She is just as busy and crazy as Reese and therefore I never got a good picture of them together. You can see her sitting on the right in the ball pit..sorry it's blurry but you can still see that she's a cutie! Reese and Landry love, love, love each other and always give each other hugs. I like that they are friends because I like Landry's momma too:)

We are planning to keep going to MyGym in the fall and she is going to move up to an older class. I can't believe my baby is almost two!


One of Reese's summer activites was an art class. Each class started with the kids coloring a picture, followed by a project and then a story that incorporated the project. Reese LOVED it! Her favorite things were glue, painting and pretty much all things messy! We both got really messy but luckily all of it was washable.

My mom took her to one class because Bob and I were out of town. My mom is a wonderful artist so this was a special thing for them to do together.

This is Reese working with her sweet teacher Mrs Lindsay..they used handprints to make a cool spider. Again SUPER messy so Reese thought it was cool!

We had a great time while making lots of cute projects. If you want to check it out you can go here.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Fast and the Furious.....

Last weekend my brother Charlie, his wife and two boys came to visit for the weekend. On Friday after some swimming and dinner we decided to go to the "Late Night" at Frisco Fire Safety Town. OH MY was so much fun! When we got there they were just getting out the jeeps and Reese was all about driving a jeep. Given the fact that she can't reach the peddles and is not a SAFE driving age I decided to recruit one of her older cousins to drive her.

I quickly realized that wacky wild 3 year old Zach might not be the best choice! He was not such a good driver. I'm pretty sure both kids got whiplash and my Mom got a good workout running beside the jeep trying to steer but it was HILARIOUS!

We moved on to letting the older and wiser Andrew drive the jeep and Reese and Zach took turns being the passenger. A much safer choice for all involved:) I was really impressed with the fire station. They made sure the kids follow the rules of the road such as stopping on red lights, etc...

After several rounds in the jeep we moved on to the bikes. Both Andrew and Zach got a bike and Christy and Bob got a workout keeping up with these two.

The rest of the weekend was spent swimming, playing and just hanging out and unfortunately I didn't take very many pictures. Saturday we made a quick trip to the mall so Andrew could check out the new Lego store, more swimming and then we all went to the park. Reese had so much fun playing with the boys. She called them "Anew" and "boy"! HA!

On Sunday we all went to church and while I was getting ready Poppy was entertaining Reese. Not only did he give Reese a juice box but he also let her play with his cell wonder he is her favorite:))