Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

This Halloween was the first year that little miss had a really hard time deciding what she wanted to wear. She started out wanting to be an Indian Princess and bounced around a bunch of other ideas before she finally saw this cute little monster girl in a catalog and her mind was made up! I think she was a pretty cute little monster:)
Of course Reese insisted on a costume for Molly monster! Poor Molly was so NOT digging the clothes but we got her to jump around a little for a picture. Boomer Sooner Molly!
The little monster at Trunk or Treat at Primrose.
Happy Halloween..BOOOOOO!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

Reese and I visited several pumpkin patches this year..these are a few of my favorite pics...
Not sure what she was doing here..but it reminded of all the crazy planking pics everyone was doing for awhile. Ha!
Momma was playing around with the settings on Mr Jeff's fancy pants camera...Reese was happy to oblige.
Without a doubt the prettiest pumpkin of them all...:)

Friday, October 26, 2012


Reese started taking karate last year at Primrose. The instructor comes one a week at school and she has the option to go to the studio on evenings or weekends for extra practice if she wants. This year she decided she wanted to keep taking karate and has gotten a lot more interested in it. They sent home a video of moves for her to practice. She asks to practice quite a bit and I am happy to oblige. I like that she is taking an interest and most importantly I like that she is exercising.
Last week she tested at school for her yellow belt. She passed the test and got a stripe on her yellow belt until she could come to the studio and get the new belt.
So proud of this little yellow belt!!:)