Thursday, November 24, 2011

Give Thanks in the Lord Always

Things have been totally craaaazyyy these days and I'll be perfectly honest its easy to get down and just feel plain rotten about life. Reese had her 4 year well visit the other week and she did not pass her hearing screen.  We were refferred to an ENT where we learned that she had significant hearing loss and will need hearing aids for the rest of her life.  Wow!  Talk about a shock to your heart!  I spent the day we got the news in tears nearly all day.   I left work early to go pick up little miss and spend some extra time with her and she was just as happy as she could be.  Kids are awesome like that?!  It was cold and rainy and we decided to put our PJ's on at like 3:00 in the afternoon and snuggle up in the bed.  We read and colored and talked.  I was quickly reminded that I should be grateful for my beautiful, funny, smart, bossy, silly, strong willed little girl!  I realize that it could be SO MUCH WORSE!  What an amazing gift she is to me and will be to everyone she touches in life!
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men. Psalm 107:8

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Reese and I had the chance to go see Pinkalicous the musical last Sunday with some of our most favorite peeps Elyse, Landry and of course their mommas.

Susan found these shirts at Target and we decided they should all wear them to the show. The girls were SO excited!

We got there in time to pose for some pics before the show. There were like 987868 little pink girls everywhere ha!

After the show the girlie's had some ice cream and ran around singing the songs from the show.

It was a really cute show and as always we loved getting to hang with our peeps. Thanks Erin and Susan for organizing!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

33 things I've learned in 33 years.

In honor of turning 34(big sigh) where has the time gone?! This was my 30th birthday present.

It seems like the birthdays since then have come and gone in the blink if an eye. I sure hope time slows WAY down before she turns 34 and I turn 64! YIKES!

My 33rd year was interesting, happy, fulfilling, perplexing, funny, sorrowful and just plain crazy all rolled into one. I think I learned a few things...

1) The best things in life are found when you are not even looking for them!!!
2) Sometimes it's perfectly OK to let the house get a little is too short to always worry about everything being just "perfect"
3)My friends and family are pretty amazing. I could never repay them for all the things they have done for me in this ONE year alone!
4)I am just as head over heals in love with my daughter this year as I was the day she was born.
5)I still must have ONE diet dr pepper every day!
6)I don't always love my job but I work for good people and they are good to me and for that I am grateful.
7)Motherhood is by far the most challenging job I have ever had.
5)I still love to exercise.
6)Summer is and always will be my favorite season...I'm a sun worshipper:)
7)"Stuff" does not make me happy. In fact I have lived with very little this year.
8)My daughter becomes more of a girly girl every day and I love it even though I was never a girly girl growing up.
9)I have never been a napper but have come to enjoy a Saturday or Sunday afternoon nap.
10)I love, love, love to run! 
11)I still love to cook and bake although I don't do either that often anymore.
12)I have stopped looking back because I am focused on moving forward.
13)I really really like cherry sours!  Reese does not like them.
14)Grey's Anatomy is still my fav tv show.
15)I can run 20+miles and live to tell about it!
16)I prefer to stick with what I know...I eat the same thing for lunch almost every single day.
17)I've learned you can't change other people and it's a waste of time to try.
18)I do not like snakes, rats, bugs or raccoon's.. Yuck Yuck Yuck!
19)I know that God has a plan for me..can't wait for him to enlighten me:)
20) You can never have enough fresh flowers in the house:)

21) I am perplexed by the fact that every kid I know pronounces crayon as "crown".  Who changed the pronunciation??
22) I LOVE the sunshine!
23) I wish I was better at taking pictures. I am HORRIBLE!
24) Over the counter cough and cold medicine does not work.
25) I can't wait until I can start reading chapter books to Reese.
26) Worry will not solve problems so I don't (or try really hard not too)!
27) I always wanted an EZ bake oven when I was a kid. Reese got one for her birthday. How convenient!
28) I have learned to only surround myself with people who make me happy.
29) No matter how old you get your never to old to need your mom.
30) Take every opportunity to snuggle your babies as they will be grown in the blink of an eye:(
31) Even at age 34 the best birthday cake is homemade by momma..

32)More then ever I am thankful for the start of a new year and anxious to see whats in store for us:)
33)I celebrated my birthday with some pretty special people but this one is by far my FAVORITE...
Why yes we had been playing with my new lipstick moments before the pictures was taken:)

Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday special!  I love you all dearly.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A fresh new start and a bunch of randomness

I am so so so excited about my new blog makeover...what do y'all think?  Sometimes its the little things that help me make it through the day.  Along with a blog makeover, Reese and I both celebrating birthdays and I am looking forward to the freshness of starting another year.  What will this year bring for us?! 

Almost gone are the days of randomly bursting into tears.  People at my office must think I have very severe allergies..hahahaha!

Reese and I decided to play hooky one day this week just for the heck of it. We were totally lazy and stayed in our pajamas most of the day however we did muster up the energy to get pedicures:)

I am well aware that Halloween is over but a certain 4 year old(still can't believe she is 4!!) had her heart set on pumpkin toes before we ever left the house.  What the heck pumpkin toes for all!!  I'm kinda enjoying the little pumpkin smiling up at me every morning..we could all use a friendly smile right?!

A sweet friend of mine gave Reese this cute purse with 4 bucks in it for her birthday.  She was so stoked to have her own money.
She also got a few gift cards for her birthday so she wanted to do a little shopping with her money.  We headed over to Tarjay and perused the toy aisles with great intensity. Reese found many things she wanted and we discussed how much money she had and what she could afford to buy. Initially she tried the "i want this but you buy it with your money momma" approach but I reminded her that we were only spending her money and she would have to choose wisely. What a great lesson for a little 4 year old! So after very careful consideration Reese chose a $9 dollar doctor kit and a red and green lollipop from the Christmas section. I think she was enamored with the doctor kit because we had just been to Dr Nail for her well visit the day before.

I am getting so excited to see if all my marathon training will pay off.  Only 4 more weeks until the White Rock Marathon.  Yikes!  I am super duper excited, nervous, anxious basically just a big ball of worry ha!  I am 100% confident that I will cross the finish line even if I have to crawl..ha! 

I got this slutty mcslutty dress for my company Christmas party.  Hopefully after running 26.2 miles I'll be skinny enough to squeeze into it...haha!  Reese said I looked beautiful...have I mentioned I heart her?!

And I leave you with this sweet girl.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Reese!

I'm pretty sure I sound like a broken record but I just can"t believe my baby is turning 4! She is growing up right before my very eyes...can someone please slow down time!?!?

I had her 4 year pictures made last week and these are some of my favorites. Reese was LOVING having her little photo shoot and even changed outfits several times which was a first. It's amazing how much difference a year makes!

I "borrowed" this idea from Erin..(thanks E)! Reese thought it was fun when I was asking her the questions. In fact she kept saying "ask me more questions Mommy" even though we were completely out of room on the picture. I sure do love this kid!

Sweet Reese-

I love your sweet sweet smile and your caring nature. You are always quick to help take care of those around you.

I love your sassy side (most of the time) as I know that you will never ever get pushed around in life. You will always be able to hold your own and that my dear daughter is not a bad quality. You will without a doubt in my mind DO whatever you set your mind to in life.

I love the way you love and care for your Dolly. You will be a wonderful mommy some day.

I love your sense of can turn the most mundane task into excitement and you tell the BEST stories with all that pizazz:)

I love you more them words sweet baby. Happy Happy Birthday!
