Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Swimmer-Summer 2012

Reese started her 3rd session at Emler this summer after taking a break from lessons during the spring semester.
She was not a very solid swimmer when we stopped lessons in December but this little girl has become quite the little fish this summer. I feel like I can breathe a tiny sigh of relief that she could get herself out of the pool if God forbid she fell in. I'm so proud of her but I get a little teary eyed every time I watch her swim across the pool by herself...what happened to my little baby girl:(
Floating on her back is her least favorite part, but she is getting really good at that too.
Reese and I both love her teacher Miss Hallie. She is very sweet and positive and she loves Reese too. Every week she tells me that Reese is a bright spot in her day and then she tells me the funny stuff that Reese has been telling her. Silly Reese.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July-2012

This year was the first time Reese got to stay up late enough to watch the fireworks and she loved them!! We braved the massive crowds and ventured out to Kaboomtown. We got down there earlier enough to eat dinner and roam around a bit before the fireworks started. Reese was a trooper. She wanted spaghetti for dinner and as we were walking by restaurants deciding where to eat the first few were not italian. She said it's ok "I'll be patient mommy". Wow! I'm so proud of this little girl. After dinner little miss romped around in the bounce houses.
Then it was time to find our place to camp out for the fireworks and get ice cream of course:)
Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-Rain

Reese thought I had lost my mind when I asked her if she wanted to go out and run around in the rain:) (There was no lightening or thunder of course.)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Up Up and Away

Last week Reese attended Vacation Bible School at our church. This was her first time to attend vacation bible school and she was excited but didn't really understand the concept. I went to VBS every summer as a kid and I have many fond memories. I was tickled for Reese to get the opportunity to go and an extra bonus I was able to work from home in the afternoons so she didn't have to go to daycare all week. SCORE! The theme for the week was "Sky-Up up and Away". They did some really neat activities and Reese met some new friends and learned a lot. We got a CD with the songs they were singing and all week we listened to it in the car. Makes me happy to hear her singing songs about God. They made some fun things every day like this airplane hat.
These wings were by far her favorite. She was wanting to wear them to bed:)
On the last night they did a little performance of the songs the learned and had a pizza dinner. Not a great pic but you get the idea:)
I sure do love this little girl and I'm happy that she is learning to love the Lord.