Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Such a Good Daddy!

The past few weeks Bob has started getting Reese up and dressed in the mornings so I can get myself dressed for Stroller Fitness or get a few more minutes of sleep before he leaves for work. Some mornings are not particularly photo worthy as her socks don't match or she comes downstairs looking like a boy. Being the great wife that I am I never complain because I appreciate the help and I really don't care if her socks don't match..after all she's just a baby!! Anyway this morning I thought they both looked especially cute so I took a picture.

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Confirmation

For those of you that don't know I was born and raised Baptist. I was Baptized as a 12 year old after having gotten saved at Falls Creek. When Bob and I moved to Texas and settled on St Phillips Episcopal as our home church I was unsure whether I wanted to simply join the church or take the next step and become an Episcopalian. For the last two years I have considered getting confirmed but I also felt that I had already made the same commitment to God when I was Baptized. Being that Bob is a cradle Episcopalian and we are really happy at our church after Reese was born we decided to have her Baptized in the Episcopalian faith. After having her Baptized I knew without a doubt that I wanted all of our family to be "official" members of the same faith and therefore this past Sunday I got Confirmed by the Bishop. It was a really neat next step in my daily walk with God.

Parrots and Margaritas!

Bob and I took advantage of Nannie and Poppy as babysitters and snuck away for a date night. We ate some Mexican food and went to the Jummy Buffett concert. We had so much fun...we almost forgot we had responsibilities..haha! Here are a few pics from the night and check out that guy with the real bird...yes I asked him for a pic it was too cool:)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

RIght where I'm supposed to be!

Sunday at church Father Clay was telling us about how he left his high paying job as an electrical engineer to go to seminary and live on food stamps. He said God had been calling him for two years before he had the faith to follow the call. He went on to say that we sometimes had to abandon our own plans for our life in order to get to the place that God wants us to be. So on the way home from church Bob and I were talking about the sermon and I realized that I am right where God wants me to be. I have never been happier or more satisfied in a job then I am right now staying home with Reese. What a wonderful feeling!!

On a funny note...Sunday after church I asked Bob to switch the car seat in my car to the bigger seat. Turns out the new seat is harder to install then the old seat and we messed with it for quite a while before Bob decided to try to find someplace to have it inspected. Being that it was Sunday afternoon the police station wasn't an option so he headed to Babies R' Us because they have a certified car seat inspector in store. Reese and I stayed home(since the seat wasn't installed yet) and Bob trekked all the way over to Plano. He was gone forever which I knew was a bad sign. When he finally called to say he was on the way home he told me all the details of the events at Babies R' Us. It started with a 30 minute wait to try and find the car seat person and then a 30 minute wait for a manager all to no avail. Finally they find someone to help who knows nothing about car seats and Bob proceeds to tell him so. So I am about to get onto him for being rude and he says, "God did not want me to be at Babies R' Us." Lovey you crack me up....just one of the many reasons I love you:)

Here is a pic of Reese in her new seat.

Monday, April 7, 2008

5 Months Old!

Reese was 5 months old yesterday and I just can't believe it. She is growing so quickly it makes me a little sad. I would like to keep her my little baby forever but I guess I can't do that. Yesterday Bob was telling Reese how she should live with us until she is at least 30 and she started screaming..haha! I know 30 might be a little extreme but you know what we mean. Anyway so here are a few pictures of Reese at 5 months old. She is developing quite a cute little personality, note the picture with her tongue sticking out..she loves to do this and Bob encourages it. Her newest thing is rolling over to sleep on her tummy which makes me a nervous wreck. Last night I rolled her back over onto her back 7 times before just giving up and going to sleep myself. I never knew how much my mom must have worried about me until now.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Today was such a beautiful day outside. Reese and I spent most of the day playing outside. We went for a walk, played with the dogs and I even got to pull a few weeds while Reese played in the exer-saucer. I am so thankful for such a beautiful daughter and wonderful husband. God has been very good to me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sweet Reese

Here are a few of the new pictures we had made of Reese in her beautiful Baptism gown. She really is angelic isn't she? Bob and I were just talking last night about how well behaved she was for her Baptism and brunch afterwards. She was the perfect baby all day long so we were thinking that she must be very smart and she knows when she needs to "be on her best behavior." (I always remember my parents saying that to me as a kid) Anyway so today Reese and I went to the grocery store. I always carry her around the store in the Baby Bjorn which makes her really happy and gives me lots of time to shop. While we were shopping a really cute old lady comes up to us and gets right in Reese's face and is talking and cooing at Reese. All of a sudden I hear the loudest burp I have ever heard from a little girl and then Reese just started laughing. How embarrassing!! Maybe we still need to work on the "best behavior".