Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Mister Podd"

A few weekends ago one of Bob's friends from college came to town for a visit. He was actually here for work on Monday but came a little early to hang with us. We hadn't seen him since our wedding so obviously he had never met Reese. Reese couldn't wait to meet Daddy's friend Todd. I told her his name was Todd on the day he was going to arrive. She immediately started calling him "Podd" hmm?! She can say t's (and most other letters) plain as day so I wasn't sure why she was saying it that way. I even said to her it's "t-t-t-Todd."
To which she replied, "t-t-t-Podd" followed by histerical laughter! Ha! Silly little stinker.

Anyhow Reese was quite smitten with Todd. They played and talked and played some more. He was a really fun house guest.

On Monday, Bob had to leave early in the am for a meeting so Reese and I took Todd to his hotel later in the morning. Reese ended up falling asleep in the car before we got there and didn't get to officially say good bye. When she woke up and realized he was gone she cryed and cryed. I was so sad for her:( Even now over a week since he left she keeps asking him about him. Come back soon Mister Podd!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Weekend Activities

This year we spent the Easter Holiday at home just the three of us. On Friday night we went to our neighborhood Easter event. We didn't get there in time for the Easter egg hunt as we were waiting for Daddy to get home and eat dinner before we went. Reese didn't even realize there was an egg hunt so it was no big deal. She still got to check out the petting zoo

and swing in the park with Daddy. He pushes her WAY higher then I do and she loved it! Yikes!!

On Saturday morning we colored Easter eggs. I bought this fun kit with all kinds of stickers, markers, egg tattoos, etc but this was Reese's fav thing...

We had fun coloring eggs but I was the only one who really enjoyed the extra fun decorations...maybe next year right?!?

In the afternoon we went to church which was followed by an Easter Egg hunt in the courtyard. It was my turn to serve the altar so afterwards Reese and Daddy went outside to get ready for the egg hunt. It took me about 10 minutes to finish and by the time I was done the egg hunt was over! Bob said it went very fast but Reese had fun!

On Sunday morning the Easter bunny came to our house! YAY!!! As requested he brought a DRUM

and also hid some eggs out in the yard!

After our egg hunt we went to have brunch with The Caffrey's! It was so funny as for the entire week before Easter, Reese made it clear she wanted nothing to do with "that rabbit"! Even on the way to brunch she said she didn't want to see "that Easter rabbit"! Because she was so terrified by Santa we decided to not even mention talking to the Easter Bunny and this is what she did.....

a bug hug and kiss for "that rabbit"! Ha!

After we realized that Reese actually liked the bunny we decided to go ahead and buy the nice picture!

Look at these two sweet friends! We love you both Blake and Reese!!

Our family on Easter 2010!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring has finally sprung...

at least we hope:) The last time I posted about the wonderful weather it snowed two days later! Yikes! We have had a beautiful week and the tulips in the neighborhood are in bloom! They are absolutely gorgeous and I just love them! Reese loves them too! We went for a little photo shoot one day this week. They are not the greatest pics but it was a little windy and my subject was wiggly:) Either way you get the idea! Enjoy!