Thursday, October 30, 2008

Off She Goes!

Yesterday while we were playing with Reese, she was "cruising" around the furniture when she just let go and took a few steps by herself. Bob and I were so excited so we kept trying to encourage her to walk more. Each time she takes a few steps, gets REALLY excited and then falls. Sooooo cute and fun to watch:)


Rachel said...

OMG! Way to go, Reese! That's awesome... Watch out, mama!

Shannon Holben Keel said...

I fall sometimes because I get too excited too...... lol! That's cute. So how do you get all the fancy artwork with pics ect. at the top of your page????

Becca said...

Yeah Reese! It is so cute when they start to walk.

B.E.A.L. said...

Yay for Reese! I am so glad that you and Bob both got to see her take her first is so exciting! I can't wait to see her walk in person!

Kristi said...

Way to GO, Reese!