Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who's the adult here?

On Friday morning Bob tells me that he was planning to take the day off and hang out with us. This was a surprise to me since it almost never happens:) I had already committed to teach at Strollerfit so I decided to just leave Reese at home to hang out with Daddy. When I came home this is what I found....

Not only is the battery not even supposed to be in this jeep (because Reese is way too young for it) but I am certain that they might exceed the weight limit. They were driving it all over the play room and Reese was laughing so hard. What am I gonna do with these two kids:))


amber said...

Haaaaaa!! Seriously, I am laughing out loud right now! Bob is too funny!!! I bet Reese loved it!!!

Rachel said...

That's priceless!

Victoria said...

gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky! Bob and Reese look so cute in this picture! This looks like something I would see my husband doing with Kalie!! We will be at some Saturday classes for sure!!! And yes, it is s bummer that I have to go back to school. My hope is that when baby #2 comes in the next couple of years I can stay home!! So...look for us on Saturdays because will will be there for sure! Here is the link to the girl who did my blog for me, She did a great job and it was very reasonable.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky! Bob and Reese look so cute in this picture! This looks like something I would see my husband doing with Kalie!! We will be at some Saturday classes for sure!!! And yes, it is s bummer that I have to go back to school. My hope is that when baby #2 comes in the next couple of years I can stay home!! So...look for us on Saturdays because will will be there for sure! Here is the link to the girl who did my blog for me, She did a great job and it was very reasonable.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Great pic!

AtoZmom said...

In my experience I have found that husbands are often just as crazy, if not more so, than children. Don't tell Charlie that I told you this!!! I like to call them my 3 boys!!