Sunday, August 31, 2008

Coming Soon....

All summer we have been kicking around the idea of getting a swimming pool. I'll spare you all the boring details of the dilemma we had in making this decision but FINALLY just in time for fall...we are getting a pool!

They are supposed to start digging next week and in order to get ready for the dig, the trees in our back yard had to go. Back in May, Bob got a
chainsaw. I honestly never thought he would need to use it (otherwise I certainly wouldn't have bought it for him)! Today he got out his chainsaw and went to town cutting down the two trees. They weren't huge trees but one was big enough that it could have fallen on our house and done some damage. While I was concerned for our house, my obvious worry was my husband playing around in the backyard with a chainsaw.

Fortunately all went well and he successfully removed both trees without doing any damage to the house or himself. He did bang up his hands a little and needed to wear gloves to finish the job. The only gloves he could find were my purple garden gloves which he insisted on removing before he would let me take any pictures. Apparently it isn't very "manly" to be chainsawing in purple gloves..who knew? However being the skilled photographer that I am I got just one that I had to share:)) are so funny and you make me laugh by being so silly!! I just wanted to share some of the humor with others. I'm glad you got to use your chainsaw and don't be mad that I posted this picture:)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just one more

Given the recent announcement of Joe Biden for VP I just had to post one more.....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 Month Pics

Last week I took Reese to have her 9 months pictures made. The last time I took her for pictures she was not quite 6 months old so this was the first time to have her picture made when she could move. Boy did she was so funny she would not sit still and I must have chased her around and put her back in place at least 100 times. I was laughing and having fun with her and the photographer told me he was so glad I was so laid back because he said a lot of moms would be mad. Really when your baby is this cute and having so much fun crawling around how can you be mad:)) I thought we got some cute pics even if she was in motion the whole time.

Funny Friday

People always joke that Bob knows everyone. Seriously everywhere we go in every state, country, small town or large city, he knows somebody. If you ever need anything no matter how small or large he knows somebody who does it or can get it done. Almost every time he goes out of town lately he comes back with pictures of himself with famous people. This week he was at a meeting in Orlando and he met Terry Bradshaw. A few months ago he met Arnold. He has TONS of these pictures but these are the only ones I happen to have on my computer. Seriously he is a nut:))

Yes Terry has some sort of sweating problem! Hot flashes or something?

No Arnold is not really 15 feet tall...Bob is just short:)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An American Lunch!

Today Reese and I and our friends Nicki and Lily went to lunch at the American Girl Store. Oh my we had sooo much fun! It is so funny because I was not a "girly girl" growing up. I remember my mom made me a home made Cabbage Patch doll for Christmas one year. I know I wasn't very old but I remember she stayed up late sewing at night to finish it for me. I remember liking the doll but also being pretty ate up with basketballs, softballs and all things outside. I have no idea what Reese will like and no matter what she chooses I will embrace and encourage her interests but.......I LOVE THESE DOLLS!!!

You can do so many fun things at this place. You can play...

You can eat with your doll. Everyone remember Dolly. Dolly this is everyone..

You can eat with Dolly's friend Claire (Lily's Doll)

Mommy gets to eat with her friend Nicki.

And best of all..when you spend all afternoon at the American Girl Store, this is what you get when you get home......

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My New Toy!!

A few weeks ago I got a new washer and dryer after ours died a slow and painful death. Bob thinks I am a compulsive laundry nut because I can't stand to have dirty clothes. I do a load or two of laundry every day and he complains that he never gets to wear socks or t-shirts from the bottom of his drawer because I wash them and put them back so quickly. Really what a horrible problem for him!! Anyway given Reese's ever increasing mobility she has just now discovered the new washer. Aside from all the other cool features of the front loader I highly recommend it for child entertainment. She LOVES watching it and will sit and sing and talk while watching the washer and dryer. Sorry Bob but she will probably grow up to be a compulsive laundry nut just like me:)

Aside from all the fun of watching the washer and dryer we had lots of fun playing in the dryer box. Today I carried it up to the playroom and Reese and I crawled inside to play.

We played

and played

until we just couldn't play anymore.

This Week

I haven't had much to say this week on the blog so here is a recap of some fun things we have done lately.

We had story time every day and Reese loved it. I started trying to read to her when she was brand new and she would usually end up crying before I could even finish a book. Then when she was a few months older I tried again and she constantly took the book away from me and either threw it or tried to eat it. Recently I started trying again. Every day after nap time I read to her and she really loves it...I LOVE to read so I really hope that she will enjoy it as well.

We got a package from Mimi and Bob in St Louis and of course the box was Reese's favorite part:)

Lady has always loved to look out the windows. She is a very active dog and she stays busy patrolling the house all day long. She runs from window to window and watches the birds and bunnies outside in the yard. This window is her favorite as there is always a bunny or two out there. I realized that Reese really enjoyed looking out as well. Daddy thought this was funny so he took some cute pictures.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Charlie

Happy Birthday to You! Reese wanted to say Happy Birthday to my brother, her uncle and also her Godfather.

Charlie, you will always be older but I will always be smarter and Mom's favorite..haha!
We Love you
Becky, Bob and Reese

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who's the adult here?

On Friday morning Bob tells me that he was planning to take the day off and hang out with us. This was a surprise to me since it almost never happens:) I had already committed to teach at Strollerfit so I decided to just leave Reese at home to hang out with Daddy. When I came home this is what I found....

Not only is the battery not even supposed to be in this jeep (because Reese is way too young for it) but I am certain that they might exceed the weight limit. They were driving it all over the play room and Reese was laughing so hard. What am I gonna do with these two kids:))

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

9 Months Old

Reese is nine months old today. She went this morning for her well visit with Dr Nail and he said she was doing great..healthy and happy. I realize what a miracle it is to have a perfectly healthy baby and I am so thankful. Here she is playing on the table at the doctors office...she likes the penguins.

Last night when we were getting ready for bed Bob said, "Nine months ago at this time we were thinking about going to the hospital." I reminded him that he was snoring away and I was lying awake thinking about going to the hospital:) He said, "Well I needed my rest for the big event!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Up until recently the only word in Reese's vocabulary has been Daddy. She doesn't discriminate as she sometimes calls Bob and I both Daddy:) The last few days we have noticed her saying something else over and over and finally we realized what she was saying.......LADY! It sounds more like YADY and it is sooo cute!

We have joked that her first words would be "LADY NO" since Lady has a bit of a behavior problem and we say that often. However she just says Lady and then turns to wait for Lady to come. If Lady is in another room she will yell "YADY" and then turn and look in the doorway for Lady to appear. Although Lady gets in trouble a lot she is great with Reese and plays so gently with her. It is so sweet to watch them play. I was hoping for her to say Mommy soon but this is pretty cute.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Toy Closet-All Finished

My mom came to hang out with us this week and we painted Reese's toy closet. I use the term "we" really lightly! Really mom painted and I supervised our little helper...

We had a lot of fun playing and painting..and Reese's little closet is sooo cute. Here are a few more pics.

Thanks Nannie for making my toy closet so special! I love you...Reese