Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Good Daddy!

This past weekend we spent the weekend in Oklahoma at my folks. As usual when we travel Reese thinks she gets to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG! After being up all night with her and then feeling like I was getting a cold I was exhausted by the time we got home. On Monday I was scheduled to teach at Strollerfit and we already had plans to attend the Pumpkin Patch so I just went about my day. By the time Bob got home from work last night I did not feel good...you know the sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, fever, sore throat, you just can't rest kind of sick. Bob gave Reese a bath and then read stories to her before she went to bed so all I had to do was nurse her and put her down.

This morning when we heard Reese waking up over the monitor Bob said he would get her. THANK GOD because I needed just a little more sleep. I still had the stuffy head, sore throat..icky cold symptoms. So when he plops her in the bed with me and walks away as she is climbing all over me and pulling my hair, while squealing with delight I was a little disappointed. Turns out he was checking in with his "crack-berry" and comes back to tell me that he can go to the office a little late so he can help with Reese. HALLELUJAH!! He gets her dressed, feeds her breakfast and then since we usually go to Kindermusik on Tuesdays, he decides he will take her to Kindermusik. Oh Boy!! I was thinking this is not a good idea and I was praying that the other Mommy's would be nice to him so he wouldn't feel totally out of place.

They go to class and he comes home and tells me that he thinks Kindermusik is stupid. I asked him who was there and if he talked to any of our friends and he said no. He didn't know any of the names of people in our class and he said he didn't talk to anyone. I guess I should have prayed that he would be nice to the other Mommy's:)

Each week we have a lesson focus such as "Stop and Go" or "Up and Down" and we lift or move the babies in these motions. So I ask him what was the lesson focus and all I get is a blank stare from him. Hmmmmm

Here is a picture he took with his phone. I have never taken any pictures at Kindermusik because I am usually very busy participating in the class..apparently he fielded a few phone calls from the office as well:)

He did say that although he wasn't a fan of KIndermusik, Reese really enjoyed it and he loved getting to spend that time with her. The best part of all is that I really enjoyed the extra few hours of sleep and I know a lot of Daddy's that would have not taken their kiddos to Kindermusik. So even though he complained about it...I am still appreciative:) All that playing with Dad made for a nice long nap for Reese and I am feeling much better this afternoon. Thanks Daddy for helping out...we love you! Mommy and Reese

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!!

This morning our Strollerfit playgroup went to
The Big Orange Pumpkin Farm.

We played in the pumpkins, went on a hayride and fed some cows and goats. I didn't get very many pictures because I was chasing around my own little pumpkin...but here are a few.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh What a Day!

This afternoon Reese stayed with a babysitter for one of only a handful of times in her life. I had a doctor appointment and it would just not work to take her with me so I called the lady who keeps the nursery at our church to come and watch her. Don't worry it wasn't just any old lady off the street:) Anyway so I went to my appointment and I was in and out in no time flat. Bob and I had hoped to meet for a drink but he got busy at work so I just headed home to pick up Reese and we met Bob for dinner at Mattito's. YUMMY!!!

Reese has had guacamole, rice and other Mexican favorites before so she was quite happy with our dinner choice. However this time the waiter offered her a scoop of ice cream..what Ice cream?? Of course mommy says no we don't need any ice cream..we prefer breast milk:)) but Daddy introduces Reesey P to her first bites of ice cream. She LOVED it and was hollering for more:))

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our First Getaway

This weekend my parents came to town to watch Reese while Bob and I went away for the weekend. We didn't go far but since this was my first time to leave Reese overnight that was my plan...just in case I changed my mind ya know:) Although I was looking forward to the getaway I tried to cancel several times this week..just feeling guilty about leaving her and worried that she would scream the entire time we were gone. She was crying when we left so I was feeling kind of crummy but once we were gone and I called to make sure she had calmed down I started to relax. Like I said we didn't go far just to downtown Dallas to stay at Hotel Zaza. When we got there it was raining and ugly outside from Hurricaine Ike so we took a nap. Pretty exciting people we are:) Then we headed to the spa for some pampering and after all the running we have been doing the massage was awesome! After that we ate dinner and saw the Eagles concert. It was a great time away to relax and enjoy each other and a super nice hotel. Thanks Mom and Dad for babysitting.

As usual one of the best parts of going away is coming home! I missed my Reesey P so I couldn't wait to get home this morning. When we got back it was such a beautiful day we went for a walk with the dogs and played with bubbles in the driveway.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Run Forest Run!!!

This month Bob, myself and my brother Chris who lives in Florida all started training to run the White Rock half marathon in December. Although we have all run races of this distance before this is my first long race post Reese. Only fellow Mommy's would understand the challenge of trying to log miles with a kiddo. So while I have been running a lot with Reese in the jogging stroller I have also been getting up at 5am ish to run....yuck!!! Although the getting out of bed is tough the best part is getting home from running in the early am and finding hubby and baby still sleeping and getting to eat breakfast and look at the newspaper and or internet in complete silence....I LOVE IT!!!! Stay tuned for updates from all of us on the race training.

Funny Friday!!!

One morning last week Bob calls me within minutes of leaving the house for work. He immediately says, "Guess what just happened?" Given that he has a less then stellar driving record I assume that he has either had an accident or had yet another run in with Frisco's finest. He says..."No I just got made fun of by a bunch of 7 year olds!" Bob has a few pieces of his wardrobe that I have tried and tried to get rid of but sadly he still wears. So this particular morning he wears one of his fav pieces....the sweater vest!!! As he was pulling out of the alley by our house the kids waiting at the bus stop say, "Nice vest MR POOPY HEAD!" and then the main kid says to his friends..."hey check out his vest!" I couldn't help but die laughing...but then I quickly breathe a sigh of relief thinking now he will come home and change and get rid of that darn vest. He says no I am not going for style but functionality. Oh boy!!! So the sweater vest lives on!!! I tried to get a picture to go with this post and he absolutely refused so you will just have to use your imagination.

I love you Honey...sweater vest and all:)

Friday, September 5, 2008

10 Months Old!

Yet another month has flown by and Reesey P is 10 months old. She is getting entirely to close to having a birthday and I would love for her to slow down with the growing up. This past month Reese has gotten her crawl perfected to a "sprint". She is all over the place and into everything...as you can see from the above picture she never sits still. Also she has decided she LOVES me a lot...you know the kind of love where I can't even walk out of her site for 10 seconds before the wailing begins. Sometimes by the end of the day I want to rationalize with her and promise not to leave the house without her if she will just take a break from the crying every time I step out of site. However I quickly remember that in about 13 years she will most certainly not like me this much. So I stop whatever I am trying to do sit down and just cuddle with my baby...gotta enjoy it while it lasts! She is such a blessing to Bob and I and we love her dearly.

This morning Bob and Reese went on their Saturday morning outing while I went to the gym. They went to see the train in Frisco square and took some pictures in the gazebo.

Then we went swimming and watched my Sooners...I want to start Reese out early to want to go to OU:))