Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Thirteen!

I haven't done a Thursday post in a while so here is a look at what we've been up to in the last few weeks.

1.) Bob recently spent a week in New York helping his boss close a multi million dollar deal. Two days later he came home and spent four hours fixing my kitchen sink. I am very proud of him for both accomplishments!

2.) Reese celebrated her 15 month-day. In the last two weeks she has gone from our sweet loving baby to a full on fit throwing, feet stomping toddler! I think I have cried at least once a day in dealing with her. Most days I am mentally checked out by the time Bob gets home.

3.) Although Reese has been a a little more challenging lately..we still ADORE her! When she isn't in the midst of a breakdown she is super fun to play with. Here she is sitting in her rocking chair that my mom painted.

4.) We have had painters in the house this week as I am finally turning the media room into a playroom. All of Bob's sports memorabilia has found a nice home in the attic. Sorry Daddy:) I'll post some pics when it's all done.

5.) Bob said he wanted to start a Valentine tradition of taking Reese and I out for a Valentine date. We went out to eat last night to avoid the crowd and because Bob's parents are coming for a visit this weekend.

6.) Reese had been having a particularly hard day so I thought it best to eat somewhere LOUD. We went to Cheesecake Factory and we took two cars. Bob offered to take Reese home after dinner and let me hit a few places in the mall and Target. He's a good hubby and Daddy! Thanks lovey!

7.) Reese and I had our picture made for a Valentine present for Daddy! We did this last year as well. Take a look...

Valentine's 2008

Valentine's 2009

8.) Bob and I are still running and are doing another half marathon on March 15th here in Dallas. This will be a training run for the big race in April. I am a little sad and humbled to say that Bob is officially a better runner then me now. (but I used to be better then him..he never even ran until he met me!) He and I are very competitive but when it comes right down to the finish line..we would probably try to let the other one win.

9.) Reese is obsessed with graham cracker sticks. I have no idea why but for some reason she goes crazy for them. Not just plain graham crackers either..they have to be the "morning sticks". She stands at the pantry door and begs and cries for some. When we go to the pantry to actually give her one she gets so excited it is HILARIOUS! Most of the time it is Daddy who gives in and lets her have one. Mean old Mommy usually says no because she would eat them ALL DAY LONG if I would let her.

10.) Bob went to a charity Boxing event and met Sugar Ray Leonard!

11.) I continue to thank God for the simple things in life such as NAPTIME!

12.) Reese and I went to a playgroup with some of our Strollerfit friends yesterday and she played so hard she barely made it home:)

13.) I'm looking forward to Grey's tonight:)))


B.E.A.L. said...

loved this post....sounds like things are very normal in your house! she is such a cutie and I love all the pics!!!!

Becca said...

LOL... I did a Thursday Thirteen today too. Great minds think a like.

Kristi said...

I'm impressed with your 13. That's a lot of work. She'll get easier... and then harder again. But, you will get a break so hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Valentine's Day pic!!