Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Swimming School Graduate!

Last Saturday Reese and Bob completed the last "Daddy and Me" swimming class. Bob was so proud of her! Each week he said she did better and better. Although she isn't swimming laps in our pool yet she learned to kick her feet, jump in off the side and go underwater all alone and put her face in the water. She also learned how to get up from the side of the pool. They taught them to hike one leg up and pretty much drag the rest of your body up to the deck. I think this is a good skill considering that she can't actually swim yet and could help her should she accidentally fall in. However I am now going around the house catching her utilizing the "leg hike" in order to climb up and onto everything, the dishwasher, into the bathtub, furniture etc. Some pieces of furniture are still too tall and then I find her dangling and hollering for help..NICE! Anyway, as usual she keeps me laughing and busy!

Here she is after class..needing some water after all her hard work.


B.E.A.L. said...

She is so cute...I just want to squeeze her. Congrats on finishing swim school!

Becca said...

Yeah Reese! That bathing suit is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I love her little swim suit!!! She is so CUTE!!

Kristi said...

How precious. That's some serious accomplishment for little fish swimming school. Lauren can't/won't do some of that stuff!

Rachel said...

Awwww... She's so cute in her swim suit! And, congrats, Reese!

Victoria said...

too cute!