Friday, December 18, 2009

Flashback Friday!

I absolutely love this pic! When I dug it out for this post I almost started crying. I remember this day like it was yesterday and it seriously seems like it was. Where has my little baby gone?:(

Last year Reese was at the HEIGHT of attachment to mommy and she would barely even let anyone else hold her..especially a stranger. When it was our turn we just quickly sat her down on Santa's lap and we don't think she even realized right away that she sitting on someones lap. We were able to snap a quick picture before she freaked out.

This year we went to a "Brunch with Santa" with Blake and her family. Reese talked all about going to see Santa and was planning to ask for "a balloon" but once we got there she refused to even look at Santa. She didn't want me or Bob getting near him either but we all got close to him long enough for them to snap a quick picture.

Even though she didn't actually talk to Santa at the brunch she had a blast. They had a huge Frosty that she had no problem talking too.

and hugging...

Hopefully Santa will still get the message to bring "a balloon"! Ha!


B.E.A.L. said...

oh my goodness...that first pic of Reesey P and Santa is PRECIOUS I love it!

Thanks for sharing these flashback pics!

Susan said...

I agree with Erin...that first picture is priceless! They look so tender together and a little bit like they're napping together. :-) LOVE it! WOW, it's her 3rd Christmas. They grow up so fast!

Elizabeth P said...

So cute Becky!! That's hilarious about Frosty. Give Reese kisses from Mags. Miss you guys.

Victoria said...

that first pictures melts my heart! Super cute pictures!