Thursday, January 13, 2011


Last week we had our first snow of the season. It started snowing shortly before Reese was going down for her nap. She was begging to go out and play in it but I convinced her it would be much more fun to wait until after nap time when there was more accumulation. So after she woke up we bundled up and headed outside. It didn't take long until we had all our peeps from the hood join us:)


and Blakey...

We had some snow ball fighting going on...

As well as some snow man building. Daddy was sick in bed with a fever but Emma's Daddy stepped in to help.

Reese was so serious about getting his carrot nose "just right". She worked forever on it..

We stayed out over an hour before we decided it was time for hot chocolate. It was COLD! I had fun playing in the snow but I'm thinking I'm ready for some warmer weather! Happy Snow Day!


Becca said...

Looks like she was having fun in the snow!

B.E.A.L. said...

i love your 'hood....always so much fun!