Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I got lucky this year and my birthday fell on a Saturday. Bob and Reese went out for there normal Saturday morning breakfast date and stayed gone most of the morning so I could sleep in. It was AWESOME! This is what they brought me when they came back.

I think Bob was trying to keep it a surprise until later but Reese came running in the house yelling "cake mommy, cake mommy!" That's my girl:)

Reese was dying to eat some so she ate her lunch and then we cut the cake. Yes that's right it was lunch time and I was still in pajamas..nice huh! The cake was delicious!

In the evening we got a sitter and went out to dinner with the Caffreys and the Hoopers! It was a great laid back birthday!


Becca said...

What a nice surprise! That cake looks YUMMY and so pretty!

amber said...

Happy Birthday Becky!! Have a great week!!!

B.E.A.L. said...

that is such a pretty cake....and i love that you got to sleep in all morning and i love that reese wanted to have the cake for her lunch dessert!

Elizabeth said...

You look cute even in your pj's!