Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Toy Closet

Before Reese was born Bob said, "All the toys are gonna have to stay upstairs." HA!! Since we spend the majority of our time downstairs obviously this will never work. However toys were starting to be everywhere so I decided to turn the closet under the stairs into Reese's toy closet. This past weekend I emptied out the closet getting rid of some things that had been sitting in the exact same spot in that closet since we moved here two years ago. (Poor Bob has some weird attachment issues to some of his stuff so this was a bit tricky:)

Reese loves her little closet. She enjoys pulling all the toys into the floor and the best part is when she is done I can just close the door...don't worry I don't close her in there:) I am going to paint some fun things on the walls in there but I am waiting until my Mom comes back in a few weeks to help me since she is much more artistic then I am. Here is a pic


Becca said...

What a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Love the closet - but it's a shame little Reese doesn't have very many toys to store there. Bless her heart. When my girls were little we turned a storage closet into a Barbie City - houses, malls, etc. They never had to clean up a mess - just shut the door until the next episode of Barbie's Life. Give Reese a huge squeeze for me. Love, Jan

khowze said...

You will be glad to have that space as the toys rapidly increase!
Mike also had those attachment issues to the strangest things...I gave him a shoe box to keep things like that in, so that limits him somewhat!

missy said...

Oh that's such a great idea!!! I love the golf clubs, too....Dad's are SO fun! Reese is such a cutie patootie!