Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today I turned on the TV for the first time in what must have been days. I heard the news about Hurricane Dolly and while I am very sad for the unfortunate people who will be effected by this storm,...I was thrilled for Reese's little doll...Dolly. When I was little I always wanted a hurricane to be named after me. (Keep in mind that I grew up in Oklahoma and we were never effected by these horrible storms. After I lived in Florida for a few years I realized how scary they really were!)

Anyway in Dolly's short little life she has already gotten a hurricane named after her. In case you forgot who she was here is a pic of Reese's Dolly...

Reese and I were getting ready for football season...hence the OU outfit! Boomer Sooner:)))


amber said...

Does Dolly have a Dallas Cowboy outfit?

Becca said...

Maybe it is something about our name, because I use to think the same thing when I was little.