Sunday, July 20, 2008


This weekend was the first weekend in what seemed like forever that we weren't going somewhere, having company or just had a million things to do. So although we didn't really have anything we "had" to do..we still stayed busy and just enjoyed our little family. On Saturday we did our usual routine. I went to workout with the trainer and Bob and Reese went to breakfast. Of course Bob can't seem to take Reese anywhere without coming home with a toy or something so in keeping with routine he bought her some golf clubs. Yes I know she can't even walk yet so what is she going to do with golf clubs but it was sooooo cute to watch them play together.

After playing lots of golf and a nap..we took Reese to the American Girl Store. Although Bob had recently taken her there..I really wanted to see for myself:) It was so fun! They have tons of neat things, I can just imagine spending a fortune there when Reese gets a few years older!

Today we went to church, did some chores around the house and went swimming. All in all we had a fun weekend playing and spending time together.


amber said...

Awwww...Becky you look fantastic:))) I love little Reesey!! She is too cute!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love the golf pictures!!

khowze said...

Too cute that she sucks her thumb! None of mine have. That American Doll store looks fun...we might have to visit Dallas just to go there!