Friday, September 20, 2013

Early Release Day!

About a month into school Plano ISD had their first early release Friday. WAHOOOO! Reese was ready and I was super stoked for a good excuse to work half day! We planned out our afternoon and even though it was rainy and ugly outside we were prepared! Reese has been saving her money from Birthdays, chores (random Nanny and Poppy giving her cash). She has been asking for an American Girl Doll and I told her when she had enough money to buy half I would pay for the other half.

 Today was the day to go get a doll!

She picked Saige, the girl of the year!

Saige got her hair fixed.

After that we went home for pizza and movie FAVORITE way to spend a Friday night!
Love, love, love these two crazy blonde's!

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