Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bob's Birthday Weekend!

When my mom asked Bob what he wanted for his birthday, he said for her to babysit so he and I could go out. So this weekend my folks came to town to babysit. While we were trying to decide what we wanted to do we decided to go away over night. Partly because last weekend was the first time we had ever left Reese overnight and I feel like I need a little practice before our trip in June. Overnight was fine but by morning I was really missing her...I'm not sure I'm gonna make 4 days away. Ya'll are gonna have to give me some advice?? Also Nannie and Poppy really love keeping Reese and I have realized that she behaves much better for them when I am not around...little stinker!

On Saturday morning we headed to "The W Hotel" in downtown Dallas. This was Bob's choice of hotel since after all it is his birthday. He always likes to go check out the new trendy places and it was really trendy. Lots of "beautiful" people hang out there, I'm pretty sure we weren't trendy or beautiful enough and although we had a great time we probably wouldn't pick it again...just FYI. We spent the afternoon at the spa getting massages. They were awesome!

On Saturday night we went to eat at the original Bob's Steakhouse. We love the one here in Plano so we decided to check out the original and my Bob was excited to get to meet the "Bob" of Bob's Steakhouse! They also brought him this yummy was soooo good!

On Sunday morning we slept in until the late hour of 7:40am. Pretty sad that is considered sleeping late for us! It actually is late since Reese usually gets up between 6:00 and 6:30. We hit Panera for some coffee and then headed home to see our Reesey P.

One of Bob's favorite meals is fried chicken. Not only do I not care that much about eating fried chicken I would certainly NEVER cook it. So when we got home my Mom made Bob some good old fashioned fried chicken and a cake. He is a bit spoiled:)

Reese was SO excited about the cake. I suspect she might have already had a taste of the icing while Nannie was making it although Nannie said no..yeah right! She really didn't actually eat much cake at her first birthday and I normally don't offer her sweets so this was a real treat for her. Boy did she finally figure out what she has been missing..look at this girl eating her some cake....

(we had just finished the very messy meal of fried chicken where the girl got food all over her shirt..please excuse the shirtless kid)

After lunch we gave Nannie her Mother's Day gift since we won't see her again for awhile. Reese and I tried to get Bob to open his birthday presents but he wanted to wait for his actual birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Daddy...Reese and I love you lots!


B.E.A.L. said...

so glad yall had a great night get-away...what a fun birthday present!

and the shirtless kid...the have to be shirtless to eat cake!

sounds like a great weekend!

Becca said...

Don't worry about the 4 days away. You miss them, but that just makes it better when you see them again. Every once in a while it is good to miss your kiddos. Keep yourself busy, which I am sure you will.

I still turn Andrew into a shirtless kid when we are dealing with messy things. Just check out him dying Easter eggs. It is easier and charper to wipe down a kid than it is to buy new clothes.

Anonymous said...

So glad you and Bob had a night away! One or two nights away I can handle but I am not sure how I would dobeing away from Kalie for 4 I don't have advice on that one :( I am sure you will miss her like crazy but it will be fun for you and Bob!! I think the older they get the easier that kind of stuff gets, at least that's what I've been told.

I wanted to also thank you for your sweet comment on my blog about Kalie! You are so thoughtful and I will keep you in mind if I ever need help! I think her and Reese would love playing together! We will be seeing you soon so they can meet again now that they are both older :) You have no idea how ready I am for SUMMER! Take care and I love the picture of her with no shirt! She looks so adorable!

Kristi said...

What a fun overnight trip. I don't have much advice about the 4 nights away... you'll enjoy it & Reese will enjoy the different company & the grandparents will enjoy Reese. It's good for everybody!

Elizabeth Pedigo said...

lol - what a chunk!! Not Bob, little Reese. That is the cutest pic of her with her shirt off. We're leaving in two weeks for 48 hours for our 5 year anniversary and I am totally worried! I miss my babies just thinking about it. I don't know how you'll do 4 days. No advice here!! I need advice for 2 days!

amber said...

This may be one of my favorite pics of little cutie Reesey! A vacation sounds fantastic! With a 1 1/2 year-old you deserve it!! I'm sure she'll love being with her grandparents!