Monday, June 9, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I've Been Tagged
This is a fun little game that bloggers play, so I guess being tagged officially makes me a blogger! The rules are as follows:
1. Post the rules!
2. Answer the questions about yourself
3. At the end of the post, list 5-6 people you would like to tag and leave a comment on their blog letting them know.
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you posted your answers.

So here goes....

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was a junior at OU...going to summer school, working at JCP and spending way too much time and $$ at The MONT.....oh the yummy swirls! I love those swirls...just ask Bob about the time when I took him to The Mont:)

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today?

Going to workout at Strollerfit, taking food to a friend who just had a baby, playing with Reese, cleaning up the house (dog hair..ick), counting my POINTS again after another weekend of wild eating, laundry, taking Father's Day gifts to the UPS store so they will arrive on time, picking up the dry cleaning and prescriptions at Wal-greens, cooking dinner, and the list goes on and on.....

3. What are some snacks you enjoy?

I LOVE anything sweet but since I am counting POINTS I like to eat a lot of fruit. It is very good choice..lots of bang for your POINTS buck! Purple grapes are my favorite but I also enjoy grapefruit, cherries, and watermelon. Every evening I splurge on a 3 POINT Slim a Bear ice cream and after I finish I always tell Bob that tomorrow I am going to save enough POINTS to eat the whole box. Then the next day I never actually do it:)

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?

I would for sure put aside enough money to take care of Miss Reese for life. No point in her having to worry about money if she doesn't have to. Then I would send my niece and nephews to college. I would buy my parents a new house or the bigger kitchen my Mom is always talking about wanting. I would travel...there are lots of places in the world I would love to see. I would for sure give lots of it away...I love to give gifts and buy things for other people.

5. What are three of your bad habits?

Hmmmm?? I am terrible at standing up for myself. I let people walk all over me and I never say a thing to them. Then I get mad about it and take it out on the people who I know won't get mad at me (usually my Mom or Bob) sorry guys. I am either all or nothing when it comes to most things like diet, exercise..etc. So at times I have poor eating habits. I drink too much Diet Dr Pepper.

6. What are 5 places you have lived?

Shawnee, OK
Norman, OK
Tulsa, OK
Orlando, FL
Daytona Beach, FL
Oklahoma City, OK
Frisco, TX

7. What are 5 jobs you have had?

Lifeguard, Shawnee Regional Pharmacy, JCP, ERAC, OnStar/General Motors, Mommy

8. What is currently playing on your IPOD?

I have a totally random mix of country, rap, jazz, rock, aerobic music, etc... Lately I have been on a big kick of downloading Christian music. Bob and I are working on our play list to gear up for our half-marathon training that we are starting soon.

9. What are the last 5-6 books you have read?

In the last year I have read probably 50 books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or parenting so I won't bore you with all of those titles. Just a few that I really enjoyed: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, The Happiest Baby on the Block, What's in the Bible for Mom's, All of the What to Expect Books, I am dying to read the new Jenna Bush book Ana's Story. I got it for Christmas but I haven't gotten to read it yet:(

10. Who do you want to tag?



amber said...

Got it!!! So much fun:))) I'm with you on the Diet Dr. Pepper:))

Victoria said...

i did it.

AtoZmom said...

I love the new site...I'll be checking it often. Thanks for the pics of Reese. I also like the ones of the three of you.

Tyne said...

Ok I finally did it, thanks for thinking of me :)