Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh My!!!

Well Reese is moving all over the place this week. We were just bragging about how good the dogs were to not chew on Reese's toys. On the other hand I'm not so sure about Reese..she desperately wants to eat the dog do we break this??? Really I am asking?? Anyway we are having tons of fun in this little zoo of Reese, Nike and Lady..we love you all a ton:))
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

missy said...

I remember Grayson going through this phase. I just sanitized the doggie toys every other day....for some reason, our little ones love the sqeaks and the rubber feels good on their gums, I guess. Just wait till you find Miss Reese curled up in the corner chewing on a RAWHIDE!!!! I think I posted a picture of Grayson back in January doing this....GROSS!!!!