Monday, March 31, 2008

Two Dogs For Sale!!!

For those of you that don't know, before Reese was born Nike and Lady were like my children. I cared for them, played with them and worried about them just like I now do about Reese. I never in a million years dreamed that I would become one of "those" people who have kids and their dogs become "just dogs". Before Bob and Lady came along, if I ever had to leave Nike at the kennel I would cry when I left him. Once Lady came along it got easier to leave them at the kennel because they were together and they really do love each other. Even still I would always wait until the last possible moment to drop them off and on Monday morning as soon as the kennel opened up I would race over there to pick them up. This past weekend we decided to board the dogs because we were having lots of company over for Reese's Baptism. No one came until Friday but I took them on Thursday because I needed a day to clean house right? When I dropped them off at the kennel I asked, "How much would it cost to leave them here forever?" Just kidding I think? It's really not that I don't love them anymore but I just feel like I spend all my free time (which really isn't much) cleaning up dog hair or dog throw up. Every time the door bell rings I have to deal with a baby in one arm and two dogs who want to race out and attack whoever may be at the door. Not to mention the 40 pound bag of dog food is really hard to handle at the grocery store with a baby in tow. So late this afternoon Reese and I finally meandered over to the kennel to pick up the dogs..what's the rush? Keep in mind this is no easy task to carry Reese and two big dogs on a leash who both want to go different directions...thank God no one was watching as I loaded up the car or they would have gotten a good laugh. Anyway so we are all loaded up and headed home and Lady laid her head in the car seat with Reese. Reese then proceeds to "talk" to her all the way home..she even laughed a few times. Then when we got home Reese was so excited to see both dogs. In fact she is quite smitten with them. I guess the dogs get to stay a little longer since Reese likes them so much:)


Anonymous said...

I also vowed that my dogs would never be just "dogs." Well, one has been given away and the other I contemplate giving away on a daily basis. Poor pups.

Anonymous said...

I also vowed that my dogs would never be just "dogs." Well, one has been given away and the other I contemplate giving away on a daily basis. Poor pups.