Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Visit 2012

Reese figured out last year that she could ask Santa for different things at mom and dad's little stinker! Every year in the summer when she wants something I start telling her to put it on her birthday list. As her birthday comes around we start the Christmas list. This year she must have said 5000 times when we were at the store..."I want to put this on my birthday or Christmas list". Most of those were random impulse "wants" and by the time Christmas rolled around she really only had 2 little things on her list. So the day before we were going to see Santa I started trying to help her figure out what she wanted to ask Santa for. She looked through many catalogs and narrowed it down to makeup, a locket and bracelets. She even took the catalog to show Santa what makeup she wanted...
My girl is becoming a pretty little lady...sniff sniff!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I love that what she had on her list! I also LOVE her hair like pretty!