Friday, June 29, 2012

Landry's Dance Recital

Reese's favorite friend Landry's dance recital was the week after Reese's so we were able to go and watch her dance as well. Landry takes dance at what Reese calls a "real dance place". Reese has been getting bored with the dance class at Primrose and she has been talking about wanting to take "real dance". After watching Landry's dance recital I definitely think Reese is ready and will enjoy taking "real dance" in the fall:) Hopefully we can even work it out for the girls to be in the same class. Landry's dance was number 15 and shortly after her dance was intermission. I assumed we would leave at intermission because I wasn't sure Reese would stay interested in sitting and watching dance for more then an hour. We went out to take some pics of the girls and afterwards Reese insisted on staying to watch the whole show. She sat and watched for 2.5 hours...she was LOVING it. Of course I don't have any actual dancing pics of Landry because you know I can't operate a camera:)

So glad we got to be a part of sweet Landry's first dance recital debut!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

She loved that her Reesey P was there to watch her! I truly adore their special friendship and hope it lasts forever!

I have high hopes that we'll be able to get them in the same class in the fall....that will be too much fun!