Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Poppy

My folks came down last weekend to hang out with us and since it was almost my Dad's birthday, Reese insisted we celebrate. She wanted to make a cherry pie which is one of her favorites but also a favorite of Poppy.

Mom brought Reese some Discovery Toys homemade ice cream maker. She was pretty proud she saw it somewhere for like 5 bucks and it had been marked down from 5 million dollers, well maybe not that much but she thought it was a good deal. Haha!

Reese had a bowling birthday party to go to on Saturday afternoon and she was pretty excited to "show off" her grandparents. I told my folks they didnt have to go but mom said she would be happy to be Reese's "show and tell". Ha!

Reese loves her Nanny and Poppy!

Happy Birthday Poppy!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I just love how much love and excitement oozes out of that sweet girl! Sounds like she had the perfect weekend!