Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Elmo Live!

A few weeks ago our friends Landry and Erin invited us to go see Elmo live with them. Reese was very excited not only to see Elmo but to see Landry as she hasn't gotten to see her as much as she used to with our new schedule. So we got the tickets and were all set to go on Sunday after nap time. Reese was so excited she had been ready to go see Elmo since 7am! While Reese was napping I texted Erin to see what time we were leaving and she said "Oh Becky it's NEXT Sunday." NOOOOO!!! Since Reese had recently had strep throat and realized how yucky that made her feel we told her that Elmo had strep throat and he had wait until next Sunday to come see us. She wasn't thrilled but it worked.

Finally the correct Sunday for Elmo live rolled around! Yay! Little Miss Reese was so excited that she sang songs about Elmo all through nap time. I wasn't so thrilled that she never slept but what can ya do:). We snapped a few pics before we headed out to meet our peeps.

Once we got there we posed for a few pics with our pals...

Susan and Elyse

Erin and Landry P

The girls decided they wanted a sno-cone for their snack and they were all THRILLED with that choice.

Once we got into the show this is the only pic I got since you weren't really supposed to be taking pictures.
All three of the girls loved the show. Landry said her favorite was of course Elmo. Reese said her favorite was cookie monster and Abby Cadabby. However anytime Cookie Monster wasn't on stage she asked where he was so I think he was the FAV!

After the show we had dinner together which the girls also enjoyed. Thanks girls for a fun time! We loved it!


Becca said...

She is just sooo cute!

Susan said...

This was so fun! Can't wait to do it again!

B.E.A.L. said...

fun day...great memory...and I think we need to plan another outing soon!