Monday, December 6, 2010

Disney Princesses on Ice!!

Every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving I spend the day working on the Christmas decorations. It has become a tradition that Bob and Reese spend the day together so I can knock it all out quickly. Last year they went to see Yo Gabba Live and Reese still talks about it a year later!! This year they were unsure of what they were going to do. Bob was thinking about taking her to a movie although I didn't think that would be very successful. We had talked about Disney on Ice and the tickets were a little more then we wanted to they headed out to run some errands one of which was dropping off some stuff at Habitat for Humanity. When they pulled up there was a sign selling Disney on Ice tickets for 10 bucks..SCORE!!

Since they didn't know they were going Bob didn't take the camera so the pics are from his phone but you get the idea:)
Before the show little Miss with her popcorn and HUGE lemonade...I was like how many times did she have to go potty?! HA! Poor Daddy!

A few pics of the show...

Reese had a great time and was so excited to come home and tell me all about the show! Daddy said the show wasn't too bad:))

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

that is so fun...i love that little tradition they have!