Friday, October 29, 2010

The Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch

Last Friday Reese's friend Emma invited us to go to yet another pumpkin patch. We had already been to two but since we had painters in the house and Reese LOVES Emma we decided to trek out to one more:) These two girls are TIGHT! They have there own secret language and when they play together they are in there own little world. It's nice actually!

This pumpkin patch had a ton of things to do. We started by posing for some pics with a few of the characters..

Then off to the bounce house..which was crowded and CRAZY!

There was plenty of playground equipment to climb on.

After that we went to look at some pumpkins. It was really windy and dusty and the girls were just not interested in posing for a pic.

It was a fun time with our friends and I can say for sure I am DONE with pumpkin patches for the season:))

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I hear ya sister...but you did get some cutie pics of Emma and Reese!