Sunday, February 7, 2010

Go Mommy!!!

Back in October I started going to Jay Johnson's Boot Camp. It is crazy hard and addictive all at the same time..I have made some cool friends and I love it! Anyhow once a month we have to take a PT test..which is the same test for the military. It's HARD! It only took me three months to pass but I recently did and I got this...


B.E.A.L. said...

you go girl....that class sounds awesome...I only wish it was offered when my hubby isn't at the gym!

Becca said...

Way to go!!!!!!

Victoria said...

Love that!! Congratulations!!

Susan said...

Congrats! That is impressive. Even more impressive that you get up and go early. WooHoo!!

amber said...

Go Becky!!!

Kristi said...

Way to go, that's an awesome accomplishment!

Rachel said...

Way to go! That's awesome!