Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We get by with a little help from our friends....

Poor Reese has been under the weather for the last two days. Her doctor said there was a tummy bug going around and it looked like she got it. Fever along with all the fun tummy bug side effects..Yuck!! She has been pretty sad and pitiful. She really hadn't eaten since Monday so today when she insisted on eating with Dolly I let her. Being the complete neat freak that I am I suggested that she just sit close to Dolly while eating. You know so Dolly doesn't get food all over her.

That just wasn't close enough for Reese..she needed some Dolly love to help her eat. She was so sad so of course I gave in.


Kristi said...

Awww! Well, whatever sick girls want, they get! Hope she's on the mend.

Becca said...

Oh, how cute! I hope she is feeling a lot better now.

B.E.A.L. said...

that is too funny! what would you do without dolly? hope she feels better soon!

give her a hug from us!