Tuesday, December 2, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

After we got home from our Thanksgiving trip, we spent the rest of the weekend getting out the Christmas decorations. Reese "helped" some but Bob and I did most of the decorating while she was already in bed. We were carful to put the breakable ornaments near the top so she could play with the ones on the lower limbs. We were a little surprised the last few days that she had barely even given the tree a second glance. Until this morning while Bob and I were getting dressed we came out to find this....

Then when we caught her she ran away with some of the paper. Luckily for her she opened a present that was actually for her. Looks like she will be getting a new toy a little early:)


B.E.A.L. said...

I am impressed you already have presents under your tree...and Reese is so stinkin' cute!

Kristi said...

Glad to see that you are back to your blog. Love the pictures of Reese unwrapping a little early.