Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Half-Birthday Reese!!

Yesterday Reese turned 6 months old! I know I say this every month but I am just amazed at how fast the time is going. I am certain this year is going to be the fastest year of my life. Along with rolling all over the place, "talking" and laughing all the time Reese is now sitting up.

Reese celebrated her half-Birthday with her first bites of cereal. I think she got more on her face then in her tummy:)

Of course we couldn't have a half-Birthday without a present:) A really cool Winnie the Pooh talking phone. Reese loves Winnie the Pooh!


amber said...

Reese you are soooooo cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't know this blog existed! What a big girl she is eating her cereal! She is so cute! And yes this year will be the fastest of your life, and they get even faster with every year.