Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter at Primrose

On Thursday we got to go to Reese's school to celebrate Easter with her class. They had a little party for the kids and an egg hunt. While some of the Daddy's and staff were hiding eggs they kids entertained us with a few songs....this one was "I'm a little raincloud".

Followed by the Bunny Hop which Reese thought was FUN:) She was probably more "into" the performance then any of the other kids. That girl loves to sing and dance.

Finally it was time to hunt eggs. I snapped a quick pic while she was waiting in line to go outside. I love her REAL smile..rather then her forced smile that shows up sometimes in picutres.

Here she is with her teacher Mrs Bilquis whom Reese loves. I think Mrs Bilquis sings nearly everything she says to the kids. It's funny:)

This is Reese's little friend Caeden. As with most kids this age they have a normal love hate relationship...but I think they play well together most days:)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Easter Bunny and more...

On Saturday before Easter we took Reese to the Easter egg hunt at St Andrews. They had much more then just eggs! There was a petting zoo..look at that huge turtle!

Reese really liked these little baby chicks. There was also a baby pig that kept squealing every time someone picked it was making me laugh:)

There were 3 or 4 bounce houses. The lines were long for some of the attractions so we took turns waiting in line while Reese went to worked pretty well.

There was several ponies at the pony ride. Reese wanted to ride with one that had her tail painted like a rainbow and she got lucky when it was her turn to get her first choice:) Some of the ponies were a little grumpy so I was kinda nervous!

We were waiting in line to see the bunny and right when it was our turn the Easter bunny had to go potty. No way! I was so proud of Reese that she waited patiently for him to return:)

Finally we see the Easter Bunny!!

After all that is was time for the egg hunt. Reese was pretty good at the egg hunt thing and she was particular to mostly pick either pink or purple eggs, her fav color of course! Ha! Love that girl!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Circus

This past weekend we took a trip to the Shrine Circus. Reese nor I had ever been to a circus before so we were pretty excited:)

We saw some lions...

A whole bunch of elephants...

and talked to a clown:)

During intermission they brought out the animals for you to ride or pet. Reese wanted to ride this pony...and she had fun but the ride was really short.

I REALLY wanted to ride the elephant and since the pony ride was so short Reese decided she wanted to ride the elephant too...It was so cool! Those things are HUGE!

Reese's favorite part was the elephants dancing and acting was actually pretty impressive to see the way those huge creatures can move!