Today my sweet little Reese is 8 months old! Each month I am just amazed at how she is growing and changing and how fast her first year is going. Originally I started this blog so our family in Oklahoma, Missouri and Florida could stay connected on the going's on of Miss Reese. Since it has really become more of a smattering of my random thoughts (oops) today in honor of her 8 month I want to make it all about Reese.
Here are her 8 favorite things:
1. Mommy and Daddy
2. Nike and sometimes Lady
3. Cool new mirror/singing toy (thanks Mimi and Bob!)
4. Swimming
5. Books
6. The $2.50 orange cones I bought for Strollerfit..who knew?
7. Ice in the mesh feeder
8. Bath time.
Baby Reese,
I never realized how much I could love until you. In 8 short months I have fallen completely head over heals in love with you. You make me smile and laugh each and every day and when you smile at me my heart melts again and again. You have kept me up all night, pooped and thrown up on me. You pull my hair, try to break my glasses and constantly tug on my shirt but I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. You have a wonderful life ahead of you and I look forward to each and every day that I am lucky enough to spend with you. You are a wonderful gift from God. I love you. Mommy
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