This past weekend we ventured to Oklahoma for the OKC Marathon. This race means a lot to Bob and I since we were both living in Oklahoma during the bombing 14 years ago. I was in high school and Bob was in Law School (yep he's old!). This race is a tribute to so many who were impacted and benefits a special cause.
"We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever. May all who leave here know the impact of violence. May this memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, hope and serenity.®"
On Saturday we took Reese to my folks where she had her first ever sleepover. From the sounds of things she had a blast and Nannie kept her very busy. (stay tuned for pictures..I have to get them from my mom). We were thrilled that she did so well spending the night away especially since we are going on vacation in June and she will be staying with my mom.
After we dropped off Reese, Bob and I went to see some old friends and then hit a few of our favorite hang outs from when we were dating. I'm really not sure why but we didn't take a single picture:( Then we ate pasta and headed to the hotel.
On Sunday morning we got up EARLY for the race! A little annoying on our first ever kid free morning. There had been bad storms the night before and the wind was really gusting but we headed out anyway. It was a tough course with lots of wind and hills, we struggled but finished. We were both pretty miserable and disappointed afterwards.
However I was sooo proud of Bob for finishing his first marathon. I think he looks pretty good about to cross the finish line after 4 hours of running.
On the way back to Texas we both talked about quitting running. It was funny that even though we weren't together the entire way on the course we had the same thoughts. We both started out with a goal to beat our previous times. As we watched our goal times pass by, our goal changed to just finishing! Then we thought to heck with finishing..let's just call a cab:) The good news is we crossed the finish line!! This week we have taken it pretty easy and are talking about waiting until fall to do any more races.